The Harvard Club of the Palm Beaches
will be discussing (via Zoom)
"Pale Horse, Pale Rider"
Katherine Anne Porter
Written in 1939, and still in print and studied in American Literature classes, this collection of three short stories captures another time by a Pulitzer prize-winning author. The eponymous story tells what the author described as an “almost entirely autobiographical” account of living through the pandemic of 1918. In real life her brush with the flu had been so serious that her employer, a newspaper, had written her obituary for the morning edition. But she survived. Twenty years later, she wrote this story.
Because we wish to keep the discussion intimate, and to allow all members to share their thoughts, this will be open to members of the club only until September 10th. We will have a 15-person maximum. After the 10th, if there is room, it will be open to all members of the Harvard community. While reading please consider a question or observation that you would like the group to discuss and bring it to the meeting!
Available Formats: Kindle and Hardcover
Length: 208 pages
Monday, September 21, 2020
6:00 PM
(Zoom information will be sent in advance)
Harvard Club of the Palm Beaches Members: FREE (and plus-one is allowed)
Registration Required to receive Zoom information
This is an exclusive event for Members of the Harvard Club of the Palm Beaches.
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Please contact Club Administrator, Tricia Wansor: or 954-914-3148.