The Harvard Club of the Palm Beaches
will be discussing (via Zoom)
Lauren Groff
All the short stories in this book have Florida as the backdrop. Like books by Carl Hiaasen, Florida is a character but here it is not a humorous one. The stories describe a sense of place that reflects a Northerner becoming educated about what it means to be a Floridian. There are swamp creatures, snakes, land sales and a hurricane. The writing is ambitious with carefully crafted sentences used to portray family dynamics, neglected children, angry mothers and trust and betrayal - often with a twist thrown in that you must be alert to catch. Groff brings the weather, the wildlife, some history and some Florida culture to these stories. We will discuss how she did. Does this seem to be an accurate portrayal of Florida? Is it truthful; is it familiar?
Groff is a New York Times bestselling author of the novel "Fates and Furies". "Florida" was a National Book Award finalist and won the 2019 Story Prize. The author was a 2019 fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University. While there she prepared for an upcoming book by researching historical Massachusetts accounts of women and children who, after being captured by natives, refused later to return to European settlements.
Because we wish to keep the discussion intimate, and to allow all members to share their thoughts, this will only be open to members of the club until January 25. We will have a 20-person RSVP maximum. After the 25th, if there is room, it will be open to all members of the Harvard community. While reading, please consider a question or observation that you would like the group to discuss and bring it to the meeting!
Genre: Fiction
Available Formats: hardcover, paperback, Audible, audio CD and Kindle
Length: 288 pages (hardcover)
Monday, February 22, 2021
6:00 PM
(Zoom information will be sent in advance)
Cost: FREE (and plus-one is allowed)
Registration Required to receive Zoom information
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Click here to join the Harvard Club of the Palm Beaches.
Please contact Club Administrator, Tricia Wansor: or 954-914-3148.