Harvard Club of the Palm Beaches

will be discussing (via Zoom)

“The Dutch House”
by Ann Patchett


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

6:00 PM
(Zoom information will be sent in advance)



the-dutch-houseDo you think it’s possible to ever see the past as it actually was?  How are family histories made and changed over time?  Patchett’s eighth novel explores these questions through the lens of a family negotiating inheritance, abandonment, and sibling and step-family relationships. Ann Patchett is a talented novelist; this book was a Pulitzer Prize finalist in the Fiction category.

In order to keep the discussion intimate, and to allow all members to share their thoughts, there will be a 20-person maximum. If you are unable to register via the Club's website, please email the Club Administrator at harvardclub.pb@gmail.com to be placed on the waitlist.

Please consider formulating a question or observation that you would like the group to discuss and bring it to the meeting! 


There is no cost to attend this event and a plus-one is allowed.
Registration is REQUIRED to receive the Zoom link.





Please contact Club Administrator, Tricia Wansor at HarvardClub.PB@gmail.com or 954-914-3148.


6:00PM - 7:00PM Wed 8 Mar 2023, Eastern timezone

Virtual Event Instructions:

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Degree/Year if applicable:
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